Harmony Home Health Services & Hospice Care was created in 1996 when a group of health professionals decided to make a real difference in home health care. Today, our organization consists of over 400 professionals dedicated to raising the overall standard of home care in the Utah, and Albuquerque communities. Locally owned and operated, Harmony is Medicare and Medicaid certified and a member of the Utah Hospice Organization.
This provider has not provided any additional information. Please contact them directly to inform them of their missing information and to learn more about their services.
Please know that the Community Resource Finder is purely an informational tool. This means that the Alzheimer’s Association and AARP do not vet, evaluate, recommend or endorse any particular provider. Providers are solely responsible for keeping their information current. Although the data is expected to be reliable, users are advised to verify it independently, as it can change, and it is not guaranteed to be complete and accurate. Visit our tips section for guidance on evaluating and choosing options that best suit your needs.
The Community Resource Finder is powered by HealthlinkDimensions, which aggregates and maintains basic information about licensed senior service providers in the U.S. from several hundred sources at the federal, state, and local levels as well as through senior service membership organizations. Basic information about non-licensed providers is collected from private sources. Information is collected when providers complete a free Provider Profile, outlining the care and services they offer. HealthlinkDimensions is solely responsible for this activity. Additionally, program information from the Alzheimer’s Association and AARP is compiled.